Silver Bull 2016!
Silver 2016 started this summer and came out swinging and then suddenly crushed by the powers that be, the minipulation continues as the banking cartel and riggers supress the prices again but this is not all bad for the silverstacker/ silverbug that knows that this is just another great opertunity to still buy silver at a steal and even further his/her gains and transfer of wealth when supply and demand just can not be held down any longer and silver finally explodes to the upside like if it were gold on steriods, just be pacient guys/girls and know its going to be all about the oz count in the end and we the stackers/ silverbugs were smart enough to see this opertunity of a lifetime in silver and smart enough to start stacking. In the end silver will prevail and like agsilverdojo's motto " silver the element of change, prosperity, security and only real money". Aswell as " if we dont hold it.. We dont own it" let the sheeple save paper well we save real wealth and know you are prepared and ready for any economic uncertaintee and you have the protection and security and hedge from inflation well the rest hold paper promisses! 
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